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Top Shelf Painting in Shelby Twp, MI

50731 Wing Dr Shelby Twp, MI 48315Map(248) 617 4000
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Top Shelf Painting in Shelby Twp, MI

Offers for Home Improvement and Painting


We Guarantee Our Workmanship

Since 1998 Top Shelf Home Improvement Specialists has helped thousands of customers improve their property. We pride on customer service and satisfaction and we will handle everything for you including building permits, scheduling deliveries and inspections, adhering to all code requirements, finishing the last details and cleaning up after ourselves.We are dedicated to providing our clients with the highest level of customer service, quality products and skilled craftsmanship.

We offer consultation on any remodeling project and include building elevations and plans on all of our work. We maintain a detailed checklist to ensure your home is constructed within our rigorous performance standards. Many of our products have a manufacturer’s warranty along with our own limited warranty.We are committed to making remodeling your home stress and hassle free. We obtain all building permits, schedule all inspections, and adhere to all local, state and federal codes and regulations. We are proud of our repeat customers and large referral business. References are available on all our work.  Call us today for a consultation.


Monday: 07:00AM - 05:00PM
Tuesday: 07:00AM - 05:00PM
Wednesday: 07:00AM - 05:00PM
Thursday: 07:00AM - 05:00PM
Friday: 07:00AM - 05:00PM
Saturday: 08:00AM - 03:00PM