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Thompson Cigar in Metro Detroit

1000 W. Maple Troy, MI 48084Map(800) 642-6154
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Thompson Cigar

Coupons to save on Retail Cigars & Tobacco


Not only are cigars our business, they are our passion. If you like cigars too, you've found the right place. Cheers!

Thompson Cigar Company is a major cigar and cigar accessories retailer. Thompson Cigar has the distinction of being the oldest mail order cigar company in the United States. Thompson Cigar was founded in Key West Florida in 1915.

Cigars & cigar accessories including humidors, lighters, ashtrays & more. We carry many of the top cigar brands & products.

  • Cigars
  • Hunidors
  • Pipes
  • Gifts
  • Accessories