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Pro Shot Basketball Specialists in Fenton, MI banner
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Pro Shot Basketball Specialists in Fenton, MI

3052 Lahring Road Fenton, MI 48430Map(810) 629-8105
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Pro Shot Basketball in Fenton, MI

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Do You Want To Spend Less & Get More?

Then Call Pro Shot Basketball!

Pro Shot Basketball is a local brand and local company based in Michigan. Pro Shot has sold and installed over 10,000 basketball systems in Michigan. In 2008, we upgraded our systems to be more durable for better & stronger play.

Pro Shot Basketball systems offers thicker steel poles, bigger steel poles, bigger/longer extension arms and thicker/stronger rims. All of these features far exceed chain store brands. You will pay hundreds less for Pro Shot and get so much more for your money.

We have over 25 years experience specializing in basketball equipment only. We are basketball specialists.
