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Precision Stone Design in Niles, IL

7327 N. Harlem Avenue Niles, IL 60714Map(847) 938-8281
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Precision Stone Design in Niles, IL

Coupons to save on Home Improvements and Granite & Marble


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Precision Stone Design is a young company with start-up mindset...

and is committed to deliver the highest quality of service to our clients while giving them the most value for their money. Precision stone design is primarily a custom fabricator of natural & engineered stone. We also offer home design and remodeling services. The company has over 35 years of combined experience within the countertop fabrication and home remodeling industry.

We are excited to build a client base which we would be proud of. Some of the values we truly believe in are, being responsive, agile, competitively priced and respectful towards our clients. When translated into business language these values mean the following to You our client.

Competitive Pricing

  • Ability to meet or beat any competitor's pricing
  • New promotions released every season
  • Delivery as committed
  • Eco-friendly, cost effective and quality material
  • All materials used are viewed and approved by the client
  • All projects receive a 1 year guarantee on our workmanship.
  • Design assistance on our 3-D home design software