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Power Vac Duct Cleaning in Oxford, MI

Serving Oakland County Auburn Hills, MI 48326Map(248) 656-0600
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Power Vac Duct Cleaning in Oxford, MI

Offers for Home Improvement and Air Duct Cleaning


With over 20 years of experience in the industry, Power Vac is Michigan’s most trusted family owned and operated air duct cleaning company.

The founders, Keith and April Meadows, are always available to ensure a good experience - before, during and after your cleaning. We understand every family can benefit from a thorough cleaning. From eliminating constant dust issues, to helping alleviate allergies and asthma, we keep our prices low so everyone can afford to benefit from having their ductwork cleaned professionally. We are not interested in being the largest company around, we want to be the best. It’s no wonder why we have been voted Michigan’s most trusted air duct cleaner year after year!
