We have been in practice for over 35 years and have developed a unique “neuropathy treatment” system with specific step-by-step treatment protocols. These protocols enable us to restore and improve peripheral neuropathy, nerve damage conditions without the use of drugs, medications, injections or surgery, there-by relieving or eliminating symptoms in the most efficient and effective way possible.
We have created a proprietary treatment program that addresses these common symptoms. The program also helps the patient maintain an active lifestyle and decreases the chance for recurrence of the peripheral neuropathy.
We Have Had Experience In Treating The Following Conditions:
Peripheral Neuropathy, Neuritis/Brachial Neuralgia, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Lumbalgia/Low Back Pain, Thoracalgia/Mid-Back Pain
Paresthesia/Numbness/Tingling, Disc Degeneration, Arm & Leg Pain/Tendonitis
Sciatica Pain
Herniated Disc/Pinched Nerve, Osteoarthritis, Spinal Stenosis
We evaluate, prescribe, and monitor the rehabilitation needs of our patients. Our doctors coordinate the service sof the rehabilitation team with the overall management of the patient’s health and wellness plan from the referring physician. We work with each patient to help them regain the level of function needed to resume daily activities.
Reports are provided to the patient after the initial evaluation, each re-evaluation, and discharge from care. This allows for each patient’s progress to be tracked as well as to help set new goals for each phase of treatment. Our referral process is as simple as a phone call to schedule an appointment for evaluation. We take care of the rest.
Our facility, complete with separate peripheral neuropathy suite, is conveniently located at 4 locations: Palatine, Des Plaines, Elgin and Bloomingdale.