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Lookswell Painting in Chicago, IL

1951 Cortland Chicago, IL 60622Map708.304.9111
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Lookswell Painting in Chicago, IL

Offers for Home Improvement and Painting


Lookswell Painting has been serving clients as a family owned business since 1963. We are a full service painting contractor specializing in residential painting and decorating, commercial and industrial painting, and cabinet refacing and restoration.

We understand that quality goes a long way in making things look sharp and up to date which is why we use the finest materials that are available to us when we work on any project.

Each job is completed to the satisfaction of the client – we plan to exceed your expectations!

  • Licensed & Insured
  • We employ fully trained and qualified painters
  • Our work is guaranteed for a full 2 years!

Since our starting, we have grown exponentially and serve a wider customer base in the city of Chicago. Many of the jobs that we do are:

  • Residential Painting and Decorating : Lookswell will do revamping services for your home by doing interior/exterior painting, wallpapering, staining and varnishing as well as wall repairs.
  • Commercial and Industrial Painting: we do services for a variety of commercial and industrial buildings which include electrostatic painting and flooring.
  • Cabinet Refacing and Restoration: Lookswell can take your old cabinets and have them looking brand new for just a fraction of the price of new cabinets.