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Furniture Profiles and Design in Oak Park, MI banner
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Furniture Profiles and Design in Oak Park, MI

21930 Wyoming Ave Oak Park, MI 48237Map(248) 284 4448
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Furniture Profiles and Design in Oak Park, MI

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Furniture Profiles has served the Midwest's most discriminating homeowners for over 26 years. Custom made furniture has a unique quality that says WOW! when you enter a room. Our furniture is a better value than store bought and fits your personal needs. You select any type of wood and pick from dozens of finishes to achieve the look you desire. The result is that your Living Room, Office, and Bedroom will look exactly the way you dreamed it from the start.

Anything is possible to build no matter what style, function or dimension. You can select elegant moldings to create a rich traditional look, the simple lines of mission style or the rounded corners of sleek contemporary design. Describe the look you want on your own or show us a picture from a magazine, either way, we can build it for you.
