Fireplace & Chimney Authority in Elmhurst, IL
Offers for Home Improvements and Fireplaces & Chimneys
Fireplace & Chimney Authority is the Midwest's Largest, Most Respected Fireplace and Chimney Company
Fireplace & Chimney Authority has over 100 years of combined industry experience. We are the Midwest's largest full-service chimney company from building, restoration, installation of gas or wood-burning appliances and chimney cleaning.
- Chimney Relining
- Tool Sets & Screens
- Glass Doors
- Gas & Wood Stoves
- Chimney Building
- Vent Free Products
- Gas Logs
- High Efficiency Wood Products
- Direct Vent Fireplaces
- Chimney Covers & Dampers
- Cultured Stone
- Fireplace Refacing
- Chimney Repairs
- Chimney Cleaning
- Mantels & Much, Much More!