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Dr. Sweep in Warren, MI bannerSave Certified
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Dr. Sweep in Warren, MI

13381 East 9 Mile Rd. Warren, MI 48089Map(586) 693-7448
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Dr. Sweep in Warren, MI

Offers for Home Improvement and Chimney Cleaning


When is the Last Time You Had Your Chimney Professionally Swept?

Dr. Sweep recognizes that homeowners do not normally look up a chimney. So, it is our job to get dirty, go up your chimney, and ensure that everything is clean, repaired, and safe. As customer safety is number one, we treat your home as if it is ours and ensure that all is safe.

When we inspect a chimney and fireplace and discover a major problem, we consider this a blessing. Many homeowners actually experience chimney fires without knowing it, which is highly dangerous. We love to leave a house knowing that we just saved peoples lives.

Formed in 1999, family-owned, customer service-focused Dr. Sweep serves Michigan homeowners with professionalism. We care about your family s safety and comfort and provide the highest level of service and workmanship with a 100-percent satisfaction guarantee or your money back. Contact us for chimney and fireplace cleaning and repair, roof and gutters cleaning, and porch cleaning and repair.

  • Chimney Sweeping
  • Roof Cleaning
  • Dryer Vent Cleaning
  • Tuck Pointing​

Dr. Sweep Serves Oakland County, Wayne County, Macomb County, Washtenaw County, Monroe County and St. Clair County.
