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Bryan's Auto Repair in Spring Lake Park, MN banner
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Bryan's Auto Repair in Spring Lake Park, MN

892 County Road 10 NE Spring Lake Park, MN 55434Map(763) 237-3698
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Bryan's Auto Repair in Spring Lake Park, MN

Offers for Auto & Transportation and Auto Repair


All Makes & Models

Welcome to Bryan's Auto Repair, a full-service preventive maintenance and automotive repair center. We perform high quality, guaranteed service you can trust at a fair price. We repair domestic and foreign vehicles and are your best choice for scheduled maintenance of your car, SUV, truck and fleet vehicles. 

Bryan's Auto Repair is family owned and operated and we use the latest diagnostic equipment to guarantee your vehicle is serviced correctly while maintaining your manufacturer's warranty. We only use quality replacement parts, and our technicians are ASE-certified. Call us at (763) 205-3995 to schedule an appointment.

I had my transmission replaced here. They did great work at a great price. –Kristina M.

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Monday: 08:00AM - 06:00PM
Tuesday: 08:00AM - 06:00PM
Wednesday: 08:00AM - 06:00PM
Thursday: 08:00AM - 06:00PM
Friday: 08:00AM - 06:00PM