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Americair Control in Troy, MI banner
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Americair Control in Troy, MI

5530 Cheltenham Drive, Suite 209B Troy, MI 48098Map(888) 298-0999
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  3. Info & Hours
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Americair Control in Troy, MI

Offers for Home Improvement & Air Duct Cleaning


Breathe Easier!

Heating & Cooling
Air Duct Cleaning Specialists

AmericAir Control specializes in air duct cleaning. We remove the toxins and pollutants from the air in your homes and offices everywhere in the Michigan Area, including Wayne, Macomb and Oakland County. Your satisfaction is our top priority. We strive to maintain a high level of quality, while being quick and efficient in our work. Our group of certified technicians have the experience to install, maintenance or repair any of your heating and air conditioning systems. We work our hardest to keep your systems working in the best possible condition. Call us today to receive the most our of your HVAC investment.

Residential & Commercial

  • Family Business
  • Specialize in Residential & Commercial
  • Best in the Industry
  • Licensed & Insured

FREE Live Camera Before & After

Monday: 08:00AM - 08:00PM
Tuesday: 08:00AM - 08:00PM
Wednesday: 07:00AM - 07:00PM
Thursday: 08:00AM - 08:00PM
Friday: 08:00AM - 08:00PM
Saturday: 08:00AM - 08:00PM