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Advanced Medical & Wellness in Park Ridge, IL

678 North Northwest Highway, Suite C Park Ridge, IL 60068Map(224) 484-7315
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Advanced Medical & Wellness in Park Ridge, IL

Coupons to save on Health & Beauty and Chiropractors


Neuropathy Breakthrough!

Our quality Professionals-which include Chiropractors, Physical Therapists & Massage Therapists, offer proven and effective treatment so you can enjoy life's most important things- without pain!

Advanced Medical & Wellness offers a unique type of health care. We have combined traditional medical care with holistic and alternative therapies. This allows a person to-have a choice for their health care. We have Medical Doctors, Chiropractors, Physical Therapists and Massage Therapists all on one team to better serve you in all areas of health. We have the best of all worlds at Advanced Medical & Wellness.

Our team of Medical Doctors, Chiropractors, and Physical Therapists work together in harmony to help you get better through the use of the most effective treatments for pain relief available. Let our experience make the difference in your healing process and your well-being.

Chiropractic care and other non-invasive, drug free health treatments available at Advanced Medical & Wellness are guided by the knowledge that our bodies are self-healing.

With proper treatment and knowledgable guidance about healthy lifestyles, you are allowing your body to heal naturally without interference and without prescription drugs!

At your first visit to Advanced Medical & Wellness,  Our doctors will explain the science behind how chiropractic care works, and give you a full evaluation to see if chiropractic care is right for you. If there is a good fit, we can develop a plan of chiropractic care that is specific to your condition and health goals.


"...the therapy for neuropathy is helping me tremendously. My mobility is 100% better. The burning and freezing in my feet is gone." - Vester Pitman

" feet were tingling and felt like needles. My toes were going numb and were discolored. I answered the ad in the newspaper and have been taking the treatments for neuropathy. I have the feeling back in my toes, my legs are so much better." - James E. Moore

Monday: 02:30PM - 07:30PM
Tuesday: 11:00AM - 07:30PM
Wednesday: 02:30PM - 07:30PM
Thursday: 11:00AM - 07:30PM
Friday: 02:30PM - 07:30PM
Saturday: 09:00AM - 11:00AM