Less is more.
Usually that phrase is used to prove that simplicity can, at times, outweigh the complex when it comes to making the biggest impact. However, the phrase can fit into other parts of our lives, too.
Less talking can mean more listening, which means more opportunities to learn, understand and grow as an individual. Less complaining can free up room for more encouragement. Less stress can mean more sleep — or at least a more restful sleep.
Then there’s ketchup on a hot dog. The less you have of that, the better. On second thought, let common sense prevail: Skip the ketchup altogether. It has no business on a hot dog.
At SaveOn, we take the less is more approach and flip it on its head. The more you save, the less you spend. Live Life for Less is more than our tagline at SaveOn. It’s been the focus of everything that we do for nearly four decades.
There is a perception that the more you spend, the better your life will be; however, our experience shows it’s not how much you spend but how you spend it that adds the feeling of fulfillment.
SaveOn works directly with your favorite business and provides Savers deals in your own community. We are your destination for offers, coupons and savings delivered to nearly 3.5 million homes in the Chicago, Detroit, Grand Rapids, and Twin Cities areas.
Everyone has a chance to enjoy more with those that matter most. We continually seek out new ways to connect Savers to everything from major brands you know, trust and love to the small businesses and local experiences that fuel the community you call home.
SaveOn has established a reputation in the industry based on our core values:
Your lifestyle matters to us, and we know how hard you work to have it. That’s why we offer daily deals on everything for your life. From food and dining, home improvement and automotive needs to entertainment, health and beauty, retail and fashion, and groceries, saving time and money gives you the resources to dedicate to family, friends and all the other things in your life that you value the most.
We won’t even bat an eye if you use our grocery savings on hot dogs and ketchup. Live life for you by living life for less.
Visit us at saveon.com, and find out how you can live life for less today.